Consulting... talk/schmalk... yeah, we do websites... but we also do something else:

We solve your problems, reaching your market.
We connect you to the market.
The consulting that NET MAN does aims to look at complex technical issues with your in-house programs, sales and information systems - and look for creative solutions utilizing custom programming and the Internet to make the answers function quickly and easily. We connect your business to your online presence - with whatever communication needs that may mean - human OR computer.
Here are some NET MAN articles:
Build A Search Engine Friendly Website PDF PPT
NMIPA Presentation April 2, 2007
The below are all Adobe Acrobat PDF files:
What do I need to know about renewing a domain name?
What are the considerations to get into eCommerce?
What should I know about writing textual copy for a Website?
What are the considerations for installing a shopping cart sales system?
How do I get more People to my Website?